WiAction is a universal application module to control alarm systems using a mobile application.Use the existing Wi-Fi network on the property.The WiAction application allows you to control and check the status of up to 4 alarm systemsAn auxiliary output allows you to control an external device (electricity, irrigation pump, etc.)With WiAction, the user will be able, through a mobile application in real time, to activate/deactivate an alarm, check the battery status, access a list of the latest alarm events (for example, see what time the activated/deactivated the alarm, etc.), you will also have the possibility to remotely turn on a light, a floodlight or a sprinkler system, etc.).Likewise, the user will receive the trigger alert of the alarm siren in real time, being able to act accordingly.One of the advantages of the system is that the user will always have their alarms online, regardless of the geographical location where they are, it will only be required that their Android devices (cell phone, Tablet, etc.) be connected via Wi-Fi or internet connection. of data.